Il Cassero is located in the historical centre

La trattoria Il Cassero is situated in the historical centre of Castiglion d'Orcia in Piazza Cesare Battisti next to Piazza Il Vecchietta, the main square of the medieval village.

It has a large balcony where to have meals in the open air and enjoy the suggestive views of the small alleys and stairs which lead to the fortress.

Mappa del centro storico di Castiglione d'Orcia

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You can get all the information you need and the direction you have to follow to reach us. Click on the link A qui.

Titolo prima parteHow to reach Castiglione d'Orcia

From Rome: highway A1 Chiusi Chianciano Terme exit. Follow S.R. Cassia n.2 towards Siena as far as the fork to aCastiglione d’Orciaon the left.

From Siena: S.R. Cassia n. 2 itowards Rome. Pass the fork towards Bagno Vignoni and turn right at the next fork towards Castiglione d’Orcia.

From Grosseto: freeway Grosseto Siena, Paganico exit towards Monte Amiata Casteldelpiano. Continue towards Seggiano and Castiglione d’Orcia.

Mappa della Val d'Orcia